Tuesday, June 07, 2005

they're certainly not voices in my head, but they're there, nonetheless

Lately, I've had the most bizarre thought processes. Characters have generated seemingly spontaneously based on things I've heard and people I've recently encountered. It's like they've somehow gotten into my head. I don't know them very well yet so they all seem a little static, but they are beginning to develop and I fear that when they have grown into full-fledged characters, they may begin harrassing me until I let them out.

Maybe I'll write a book someday. Someday far, far away from today.


Erica Stark said...

That sounds like a personal problem. You might want to see a counselor about that, or better yet, an exorcist.

Sarah said...

hmmm...voices inside your head, eh? sounds like the more they develop, the more you might be able to escape into their world, and avoid the stark, brutal realities surrounding you. then again, even Jesus told stories, so perhaps you are in good company.

boy, is this random, coming from the scattered thoughts in my head. perhaps i can't make sense of them because of all the voices competing for attention up there.

Sarah said...

what was it a friend of mine said?

"post again, already! I miss your written thoughts."

hmmm...let me point out that at that time, there was a 13 day silence on my part. however, there has been a 16 day (and counting) silence on this dear friend's part.

Erica Stark said...

You need a new post. You've been back from Ohio for some days now. Please, pretty please, just post something. I miss your posts.