Monday, July 04, 2005

sweet union

Some of the more precious memories in my life are of moments when I've been reunited with someone from whom I've been separated. A rib-crushing hug-turned-gleeful-circle-dance with a dear sister in the Shanghai airport. Walking into the bride's dressing room to see my best friend from highschool just before her wedding. Surprising my parents with an impromptu visit months before my first scheduled trip home my first year of college.

Being united for the first time is precious, as well. I recall the moment I gave up on living for myself, on running my own life, on having my own way--the moment I was united with Christ.

I eagerly anticipate, even long for, other unions and reunions: the next time I'll feel so safe in my father's embrace, the walk down a petal-strewn aisle to join the man I'll never leave, the first bundle of wonder and potential I'll someday cradle and coo to, the moment I'll give up my last breath and stand in the surest reality I've ever known.


Erica Stark said...

Lovely. Simply lovely.

Erica Stark said...

Ceri. I can't help it, xanga is just more fun. More people comment there and I can comment on more blogs.

Anonymous said...

have you blocked me from your xanga. That is completely strange.