Friday, April 15, 2005

Got bike?

Today I headed to the filling station for the first time since coming back from China. The last time I filled up was more than five weeks ago, when the price was, as best I recall, 1.73. Then, I left the country for two weeks. I was slightly alarmed to discover that prices had shot up to 2.20 by the time I returned. (Thank goodness we didn't have a 27% increase on all other goods.) Strange. I had a full tank, though, so it really didn't affect me.

Until today.

My poor little VW Jetta with an oil leak and a propensity to eat, rather than utilize, fuel is suddenly an expensive little beast. I would complain, but heck...I'm glad I have a car. And at least my little Zippy's fill-up bill wasn't anywhere near the total at the next pump over. . .$60 for a full tank in a Hummer.


Anonymous said...

"Filling station" must be an Ohio term, or a Missouri term I've simply failed to pick up on. It might actually be right up there with "halfto," which, I'm afraid, is beginning to stick! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

So while I truly am sympathetic with my friends and family in the midwest, I also would like to point out that here in the greater Los Angeles area, gas prices have risen to $2.65/gallon. But thankfully, I've been blessed with a car that gets at least 300 miles every time i full up the 12 gallon tank. Also, as I'm walking to work as much as I can, and have almost no social life out here, so I end up needing to fill up about once every four weeks. :)

curiousceridwen said...

Daniela. I don't think "filling station" is at all regional. It's just old. Similarly, from the 50s or something. Did you mean "hafting to?" Because that is TOTALLY a word!! I'm sure of it!! I won't let you stop me!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, please people, put an end to the purposeful mispronunciation of words!