Thursday, April 14, 2005


The package read "Inside Out," and I discovered that's a bizarre version of one of my favorite guilty pleasures---The Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. (What is, perhaps, more bizarre is that I've never seen this version of the snack sold anywhere except for our on-campus bookstore. Furthermore, the bookstore has notoriously high prices--they actually sell all their products at the msr [which means I buy all my books online instead], except for the snacks. You'd think the on-campus bookstore would really jack up the snack prices, like the gas stations along toll roads do. But they don't--and that makes me happy, because when I need a snack, I need it immediately, and cheap enough that I can scrounge under my car seats for change enough to pay for the blessed hope in a wrapper.)

But I digress. Today, I felt compelled to try the Inside Out Reese's. My friend ate one cup and I the other. I decided it tastes like Easter. She agreed. Which led us to analyze the chocolates from the various holidays. Easter candy is just plain good. So is Valentine's Day candy (except for the cheap little boxes that fancy themselves on the level of gold foil wrapped imports). Halloween candy always seems on the verge of staleness. Christmas candy can go either way--if it's in a candy dish in the home of someone over 50, or of someone any age who wears Odor-Eater inserts, then consume at your own risk (I'd steer clear, myself).

Unfortunately, we're in between candy holidays right now.

No matter...until another one rolls around, I shall happily consume the good cheap stuff from the bookstore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely, Ceri. I do like the fact that you are a blogger--though seemingly juniorhighish, it is perhaps the part of juniorhighishness we should embrace. As far as holiday candies, I called a friend a few weeks ago, and her voice mail greeting went something like this, "Hi, this is Taff. Sorry I missed your call, but please leave a message and I'll get back to you... Ladies and gentleman, I'm pleased to announce that at Wal-marts, Sunmarts, Walgreens, and all grocery stores near you, there are now Peeps--that's right Peeps, that blessed marshmellowee snack that is here for only a limited time, so stock up while you can." I was frightened; however, if pink squishy birds are you thing, go for it.