Monday, April 18, 2005

wistful for the ephemeral

Ever find yourself homesick, yet uncertain for what you long?

I don't want my family, nor old friends. . .it's more of a longing for something I've not quite tasted. I've felt this feeling before, though I didn't realize I was feeling it today, until I began listening to Over the Rhine's melancholy melody, Mary's Waltz.

Is it a longing for heaven that leaves me not quite woeful, but not quite whole?


Anonymous said...

Ceri, had no idea you listened to Over the Rhine. They played beautifully at Cornerstone last year. She has a great coffee-house voice. I especialled loved her version of the "Hallelujah" song off the Shreck Soundtrack.

Anonymous said...

By now, I'm sure you've gotten my email about the song, "How Could I Say", but now I identify it as most likely an expression of this, hmm, je ne sais pas, perhaps? How can we describe it? Is it a longing to feel whole, displayed by an unconscious search in everything or everyone we encounter?